5 April 2012

Easter Sunday Salmon Pasta Brunch

Why not make something a little special this Easter? If you are having a late lunch this hearty breakfast is sure to keep you going until the roast is done! Sunday mornings, smoked salmon and eggs are made for each other. Eggs Benedict and Eggs florentine on muffins are heavenly classics.  Scrambled egg on toast topped with smoked salmon delightful. Kedgeree reminiscent of brunch in the Raj is a delicious self service brunch dish with smoked haddock curry spices boiled eggs and rice. Recently we tried a brunch dish inspired by a mix of all these classics but rather than muffins toast or rice we used pasta. In a large help yourself serving dish reminiscent of Kedgeree we put linguini topped with smoked salmon boiled eggs lemon wedges and crushed walnuts. It was very easy and quick to prepare requiring no cooking apart from the pasta and eggs and went down very well indeed.

Easter Sunday Morning on a plate! 

1 pack linguini
150g cream cheese
150g creme fraiche
1 tbsp capers chopped
2 tbsps sweet French mustard
Handfull Mange touts
300 g smoked salmon
3 eggs boiled quartered
50 g chopped walnuts
1 lemon cut into wedges
3 tbsps olive oil


Boil the pasta as normal until just slightly "al dente",  add the mange touts for about 30 seconds and drain. Meanwhile mix the creme fraiche, cream cheese, mustard and chopped capers in a bowl until well blended. Let down the mixture with a little of the liquid from the capers and pour into the pasta saucepan. Pour the pasta and mange touts on top and toss until the pasta and sauce is well mixed season generously and put in a serving dish. Tear the smoked salmon slices and arrange with the egg quarters and lemon wedges on top. Sprinkle the chopped walnuts over and drizzle with olive oil. Serve with a tongs. Happy Easter!!

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